Drive Safely Through Fall With These Helpful Tips
Sep 2016 30


We would like to share with you a few of the most common Fall Driving Hazards that you should look out for as you hit the road over the next several weeks. The change in weather and temperature can drastically affect road and driving conditions so you should be especially cautions as we head into the fall season. Read through the different types hazards that you could encounter below and keep traveling safely while you enjoy all of the best parts of Fall!

1.) Look Out For Deer – You may not realize this but the autumn is actually deer mating season which means that there are going to be many more of them around and most likely not alone. If you are going to be driving near wooded areas especially at night, be alert, because deer tend to dart right into the road without warning. Not only is hitting a deer dangerous but it can cause serious damage to your vehicle.

2.) Driver Carefully on Bridges – Even if it does not seem particularly cold out in the morning yet, the dew can lead to frost especially on bridges, overpasses, and shaded areas. Drive carefully around these areas when you head out first thing in the morning.

3.) Use Your Rain Smarts – With the change in temperature, there will be a lot of extra moisture in the air which leads to increased rainfall and foggy conditions. Remember to drive more cautiously in the rain and always use your low beams or fog lights for better visibility rather than your brights.

4.) Avoid The Glare of the Sun – The National Weather Service predicts that we will begin to lose about one to two minutes of sunlight per day over the next several weeks. That means that the sun will be setting earlier and that your evening commute could fall right in the middle causing the glare of the sun to be much stronger than it has been for the past few months.

5.) No Braking On Leaves – This time of year gets its nickname of Fall due to all of the falling multi-colored leaves that cover the ground. While this namesake event may be beautiful to look it can also be quite hazardous for driving. When leaves get wet they become just as slippery as a patch of ice and just as dangerous. So make sure to avoid them whenever possible and never try braking over a patch of wet leaves since it will be just line trying to come to a stop over a patch of black ice.

6.) Adjust Your Eyes – As we mentioned in step number four, the days will begin to get shorter during this time of year. Therefore, the amount of daylight you are driving home in at the end of the day will be gradually less until eventually it will be completely dark out when you leave. Therefore, remember to take some time for your eyes to adjust to the dark before you start heading home.

7.) Get Your Vehicle Ready – Last, but certainly not least, make sure that you get your car all ready for the new season by making sure that all of the key vehicle elements have been checked over. The main areas to check out are the battery, heating system, windshield wipers, tires, and anything else that you feel may need attention before the winter fully arrives.

“7 Fall Driving Safety Tips.” N.p., 30 Sept. 2015. Web. <>.